As a partner you can be earning extra cash every month from the Aurelia Intimates Black Box! If you're already a part of the black box you can start earning right now with your special discount code to share with your followers! When they join not only are you getting our newest designs sent to you every month! You'll be earning commissions from every customer who uses your code!
For example, you give your followers 40% off, when they join you will get 25% commission from that order every month! That's $15 sent to you every month! Over time if you have only 10 people join from anywhere you'll get an extra $150 USD in your bank every month.
How does this work for both of us? Well, let us explain, we give you and your followers big discounts, in exchange our new products are having lots of new exposure and new content being made! You earn money, and you get new items every month sent to you, while we get new content made for us. It's a win win.
If you haven't already joined the Black Box, you can join with your partner 50% off to get it for only $49! If we haven't given you a code yet email us at so we can verify you and get you setup!
$49 as a partner to join; you'll be getting all our amazing newest releases designed for you in your sizes and sent to you every month while also being able to earn extra cash from giving your followers and anyone else who uses your code 40% off allowing you to earn $15 USD from every person who joins with your code every month.
If you can get just one person to join you can get 100, that's $1500 USD sent to you every month to your bank.
If you haven't already, start getting your new boxes sent to you every month with our newest releases personalized for you every month, while also unlocking the perk of giving your followers 40% off and earning extra cash evert month!
Join the Black Box here